Feb 1, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Glenn: You are incorrect in your thinking that the government is actually printing bills. Already, without the "stimulus" money last year and the new "stimulus" money being talked about there aren't enough bills in circulation to cover the amount of money in play. It is just zeros and ones in some computer in the federal reserve (ha what a joke that title is). If all the bills that are in circulation were gathered in one bank in a major city, there wouldn't be enough cash to pay out just what folks thought they had in their checking accounts and certificates of deposit. That doesn't take into consideration any monies in retirement accounts. That is just accounts in that city by itself, not the rest of the country.The politicians just keep adding zeros to what they owe and hope they have retired from government before it all crashes down.

I think you are right. I think the dollar is going to crash hard. We are going to be Weimer Republic Redux.

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Feb 1, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

That interview with Vera was amazing and really wakes me up to question the whole vaccination program.

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Jan 31, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Great interview here with Vera Sherav! Thank you!

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Jan 31, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Someone posted to Facebook a short YouTube video where Tucker Carlson is interviewing a women who was fired from her job simply because she had a social media site on Parler.

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Jan 30, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

I am looking for private alternatives to ZOOM and listening to podcasts. I am currently using alternative podcast apps without signing up or creating a follow list while using a VPN. The only other thing I can think of is going direct to individual websites and listening there. Also, have you looked into Sphir?

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Jan 30, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Very good talk by Lee Merrit MD with all her qualifications and willingness to speak out!! BRAVO

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Jan 30, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

hi glenn, i really appreciate you, your articles and what you stand for. Regarding you inviting us to share things about privacy; i have the Virtual Shield app on my phone. Are you familiar with it?

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Jan 30, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Great article, Glenn!

One point you didn't mention is the ad hominem attacks on people who are scientists/doctors when they talk about scientific/medical issues. You and I (being intelligent people with analytical minds) are both able to look at data, reports, studies and Government leaflets, analyse what is being said and comment on inconsistencies and inaccuracies. We are, in fact, better able to do this type of analysis because we are NOT doctors, ie people who have spent many years being brainwashed into one way of thinking and have a degree in medicine, ie not a doctorate, so they are not actually 'doctors', a term which appears to simply be used to confer authority on someone. In Italy, anyone with a degree is called dottore or dottoressa - I also like the fact that there distinct male and female words!

The most ludicrous thing I read was an article about the benefits of infra-red saunas, ending with saying that you should discuss it with your medical practitioner before deciding to use them! And these 'medical practitioners' never say "I don’t know, I'll have to look that up for you", like you or I would when asked a question on a subject we have no knowledge of!

Keep up the good work!


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Jan 30, 2021Liked by Glenn Meder

Excellent set of articles! Especially the first one on searching for the truth in science! Keep it up Glenn!

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